• Question: Do you like your job?

    Asked by 424brna48 to Lydia, Ciarán, Áine, Eoin, Victoria on 7 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by Doughnut_:)999, 362brna42, Amazing Aoife 123, 228brna44, 433brna45, 268brna28, Jessie,Toni,Lee:):):):).
    • Photo: Ciarán O'Brien

      Ciarán O'Brien answered on 7 Nov 2014:

      Right now? Not so much. It’s been a really busy week, very few of my experiments have gone right, equipment keeps breaking, I can’t do any work today because workers are installing new shelves on my workbench, and yesterday I had to lug some really heavy gas cylinders around in the pouring rain.

      Most other weeks I absolutely love it. I get to do cool experiments on DNA, I use state-of-the-art computer programs, next week I start talking to school kids from across the country, and the weekend after next I’m halping out at the discovery Science festival in Cork city hall. It’s pretty awesome.

    • Photo: Áine Broderick

      Áine Broderick answered on 9 Nov 2014:

      I love my job. Isn’t the saying that if you love your job you will never have to work a day in my life, I really feel I like that.

    • Photo: Lydia Bach

      Lydia Bach answered on 9 Nov 2014:

      Yes I do! I get to be a marine biologist and learn about the natural environment every day!

      Sometimes of course sampling can get tiring, especially if you are at the sea shore and the weather is bad, or when you sit in front of the computer for hours. But at the end it’s all worth it!

      I also get to talk about my work all over the world! This summer I went to Australia to talk about fish and I have only been to France last week at a conference! Sometimes I sneak a little bit of free time in to get to know other countries better!

    • Photo: Victoria Simms

      Victoria Simms answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Yes I really do! I really like that my work changes every day. Some days I am planning experiments or out working with children who participate in my work. Some days I am working with university students, helping them with their own projects or teaching them in class. Today I will be writing up some of my findings from a study to try to let other people know what I found, but I’ll also be thinking about what I am going to teach some students next week in class!
